Tarung Derajat - From Street Fight To The Championship

Tarung Derajat martial arts created by a young man from Indonesia named Achmad Drajad who by his friends he was given the nickname AA Boxer. As the development of Tarung Derajat martial arts in all parts of Indonesia, now Tarung Derajat martial arts has been accepted by most people in Indonesia, even internationally recognized and it has opened branches in several countries. The main instructor of Tarung Derajat martial arts is the founder himself, Achmad Drajad who known as the Master (Sang Guru), Drs. G.H. Achmad Drajad.

Tarung Derajat Martial arts was created from the experience of the Master (Sang Guru) through the fight in the street. From battles in the street were created practical martial arts techniques which combine elements of speed, accuracy and strength. In addition to muscle strength / physical well Tarung Derajat rely on intelligence and conscience.

In the course of a very long, Tarung Derajat continues to struggle to be an achievement sports. Efforts to achieve this continues performed, among others, by holding both national championships and intercollegiate championship. on initially, Tarung Derajat difficult accepted by KONI (National Sports Committee of Indonesia) because Tarung Derajat use a super full body contact system in their championships. Through a very long struggle and a refined battle system finally Tarung Derajat is acceptable as KONI member as a separate sport with the name PB Kodrat (Keluarga Olahraga Tarung Derajat). Beginning in 2000 Tarung Derajat have competed in PON, the year was the first time Tarung Derajat performing in PON while still an exhibition. Development of Tarung Derajat martial arts in Indonesia more rapidly until known internationally and now Tarung Derajat has been able competed in SEAGAMES.


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